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- Professional Learning
Legal Requirements for Student Discipline: Ensuring Due Process for All Students
Instructor: Adrienne Shea
This workshop will consider how to protect students’ due process and disability rights when implementing discipline.
Specially Designed Instruction for Math
Instructor: Kate Hughes
Session 3 of a 4-part series, "Understanding Specially Designed Instruction: Clarifying Its Role Within MTSS Layers." ***Session 1 is required and participants can then choose any or all of the remaining sessions.***
Selective Mutism and Social Anxiety: Helping Students Face Their Fears
Instructor: Zohra Chahal, PhD
Learn how to use evidence-based strategies to help students with selective mutism and social anxiety.
Neurodiversity-Affirming Behavior Supports: A Framework
Instructor: Molly Bumpas, M.Ed, CCC-SLP, BCBA
This workshop reimagines traditional behavior support practices to incorporate information and tools from other professional fields, and draws upon the presenter's expertise in communication.
Use the Vermont Early Learning Standards (VELS) to Engage Learners
Instructor: Cathy Siggins, M.Ed.
This workshop will delve into how practitioners can use the Vermont Early Learning Standards to design thoughtful instruction and assessment for our youngest learners.
Free Webinar: Involving Families
Speaker Series for New Middle and High School Educators.
New teachers describe their first years in schools as overwhelming and isolating. This series offers content of immediate need to middle and high school educators in their first or second year teaching.
Act 139: Systematic and Responsive Literacy Instruction that Empowers Every Learner
Instructor: Nicole Gaboriault
This workshop will explore evidence-based practices for literacy instruction in accordance with Act 139.
Inclusive Design: Leveraging UDL, MTSS, and AI in Curriculum Planning
Capitol Plaza, Montpelier, VT 100 State Street, Montpelier, VT, United StatesInstructor: Loui Lord Nelson
This workshop will use collaborative structures, AI, and a spiral format to guide participants’ application of UDL and MTSS to their own lesson planning and curriculum design materials.
Specially Designed Instruction for Literacy
Instructor: Julie Burtscher Brown
Session 4 of a 4-part series, "Understanding Specially Designed Instruction: Clarifying Its Role Within MTSS Layers." ***Session 1 is required and participants can then choose any or all of the remaining sessions.***
Neurodiversity-Affirming Behavior Supports: The Why, The Plan, the Data
Instructor: Molly Bumpas, M.Ed, CCC-SLP, BCBA
This workshop reviews the steps of collaborative student support plans, including identifying the function of student behavior, teaching alternative skills, and collecting essential data.
(CANCELED) Outdoor Learning: Small Instructional Shifts that Support Wellness (Workshop)
Summit Street School 17 Summit Street, Essex Junction, Vermont, United StatesInstructor: Timiny Bergstrom
This workshop will introduce you to resources and ways to consistently implement outdoor learning in manageable ways.
Free Webinar: Wrapping Up the School Year and Planning for the Next
Speaker Series for New Middle and High School Educators.
New teachers describe their first years in schools as overwhelming and isolating. This series offers content of immediate need to middle and high school educators in their first or second year teaching.