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(CANCELED) Outdoor Learning: Small Instructional Shifts that Support Wellness (Workshop)


May 14 @ 8:30 am 3:30 pm




Timiny Bergstrom

Event Type:


Professional Learning Hours:


Intended Audience:

Any preK through grade 6 educator (general educator, special educator or special area educator), who works directly with students and is interested in learning how to implement nature-experiences in small doses to leverage student learning.

Participants must attend all events:

  • Event Date
  • Event Date
17 Summit Street
Essex Junction, Vermont 05452 United States
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Do you long for ways to engage your students (and yourself) when classroom routines become mundane? Are you interested in designing outdoor learning experiences but feel like there isn’t enough time in the day or much support to do so? This workshop is an introduction to incorporating outdoor nature experiences into everyday classroom instruction and routines in small, manageable ways. 

Research has shown that there are a number of benefits to spending time outside in nature, including reducing symptoms of ADHD, reducing stress & anxiety, improving physical health, and inspiring curiosity. Participants will experience and reflect on a variety of engaging outdoor activities that integrate academic and social emotional learning. There will be opportunities to brainstorm, discuss, and troubleshoot problems that can arise during an outdoor classroom experience so that participants feel ready to design and try activities when they return to their classroom. 

Participants will:

  • Develop an understanding of the value of nature experiences for one’s own self-care and wellness, as well as its importance for children.
  • Build confidence in leading and engaging students in nature and outdoor learning experiences.
  • Develop a toolbox of outdoor learning activities and ways to flexibly respond to challenges that arise when implementing outdoor learning experiences.
  • Access resources to share with stakeholders on the benefits of outdoor learning.

Graduate Course Option

Workshop participants can extend their learning into a 3-credit graduate course which will meet virtually and in-person. Course takers will deepen their understanding of the value and purpose of incorporating outdoor learning into their teaching practice as well as their self-care routines. They will participate in and practice leading restorative circles, as well as plan and implement a content-based lesson.

Additional Course Objectives:

  • Develop a variety of outdoor learning activities.
  • Learn how to lead a restorative circle in an outdoor setting.
  • Practice planning and implementing a 30-40 minute outdoor lesson and reflect on the experience with fellow educators.

Register for 3-Credit Graduate Course.

Presented by

Timiny Bergstrom